About Esna
The Temple of Khnum is located is the relatively quiet town of Esna, and many visitors find that there is actually a lot to see, rather than only the temple.
The Temple of Khnum is indeed an interesting site because it sits roughly nine meters below the street level, and records suggest that it has been constructed on top of an earlier temple. Historians generally believe the origin of the site to be connected to Tuthmosis III. However, this is difficult to prove because it is only the modern temple that remains today. This is one that depicts several of the Ptolemy rulers which were essentially the last of the Ancient Egyptian pharaohs. What scholars do know is that the physical structure of the Temple of Khnum dates back to the Greek and Roman period of Egypt.
The Temple of Khnum is considered to be one of the last temples to have been built by the true Ancient Egyptians. This makes it quite valuable because it is one of the few ancient temples in which the roof is still intact, and in which various eras of construction can still be found. There are four rows of massive columns in the main hall and some even retain their ancient painted colors to this day.